sábado, 1 de março de 2008

Would be to much.....

Sometimes I think that I do not belong here...
I wish I could run around the world, with a back pack, a few coins, and a camera...London, Paris, New York, Prague, Porto, Barcelona, Rome, Amsterdam, New Jersey, Madrid, Melbourne, Sidney, Lisbon, Edinburgh, Darwin, Puket, Kuala Lampur, Katmandu, Moscow, Hong Kong, Shangai, Casablanca, Pretoria, Dakar, Luanda, Kanimambo, Zanzibar...always on the move...never stopping...always busy...never thinking...

I always say that I'm not a portuguese citizen...but a citizen of the world...

At this moment I'm based in Porto... but... next year, next month, next week...where would I be?
Do not know...sometimes I wish to be far away from here, far away from my place, far away from myself!

Would be to much asking for some peace???? For some quiet???? For some love???? For some justice????


2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Just be yourself and live your life just like you are and not like the world want you to be...

A Big and smilley kiss from a friend

Jacinta. disse...

if you'll run around the world... take me with you... :)